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Winter Train Trip

The winter had been the worst in sixteen years, snow was deep all over the south of England and I had to choose this time to visit my Uncle and Aunt in Dorchester. The train was having a hard time coping with some of the snowdrifts that had been building up across the tracks, so we were already an hour late. I was just thinking things could get no worse, when with a sudden shudder we came to a stop in the middle of nowhere. We sat there for perhaps ten minutes, the flurries of snow growing thicker until we were in a near snow-storm. The door of my compartment slid open to reveal the guard, red faced and apologetic, telling me and my traveling companion that the engine had broken down and it could be an hour or two before we were moving again.

'Fucking fantastic' were the first word my traveling companion had said since we left London.

I just nodded in agreement, just to add the icing on the cake the lights went out before they returned not much brighter than a guttering candle.

'Oh, fucking great what else can happen'

I had to laugh at the comment, especially when it was coming from a well dressed business man who I imagined would perhaps swear once a year. Knowing the ways of British Rail I figured one or two worse things could happen, but I was keeping my fingers crossed that the heater would continue to work. I pulled all the blinds down just on the off chance that we would need to conserve the heat. The two of us sat at opposite ends of our compartment huddled up as if the cold from outside was going to penetrate the compartment. With no further sign of conversation happening, I started to doze.

I'm not sure what disturbed me, possibly just a strong gust of wind buffeting the coach, through half opened eyes I glanced across the compartment. The business guy had his hand inside his coat, from the movement I guessed that he was jerking himself off. I probably moved slightly causing him to stop what he was doing and stare at me for a minute or so, then obviously deciding I was still asleep he returned to jerking himself off. I lay there; still huddled as if asleep watching his movements, encouraged by my lack of response he opened his coat so that he could stroke his cock in the open. He looked to be really getting off doing it in front of someone, all be it if that someone was asleep, or pretending to be.

Now I didn't consider myself interested in men, but like most young men I had experiences growing up where we watched each other jerk off and touched each other as a dare. But I was sitting there getting a very hard erection as I watched my companion stroking his cock; suddenly he stopped and quickly covered his cock. Seconds later the compartment door opened again, the guard letting us know that there was a fresh engine coming from Dorchester, trouble was it would probably take at least an hour maybe longer, this time after the guard left I swore.

Now I couldn't pretend to be asleep any longer and my own cock was being painfully restricted by my jeans. I tried to surreptitiously adjust myself to make it more comfortable, but the more I tried the more obvious it looked. The guy opposite was now looking at me with a smile on his face, I noticed his coat was open again and his cock was standing proudly to attention. The trouble was I could not take my eyes off it, I had only seen school boy cocks as I grew up and of course my own, the guy opposite seemed to have been given a monster. It was twice the size of mine or seemed to me at the time, the glans, helmet shaped, was engorged with blood giving it a deep purple colour and unlike mine he was circumcised. As he began stroking it again a bead of clear liquid welled up from his slit, he used his thumb to spread it over his glans as lubrication. 'I wonder what it would taste like', popped into my mind.

It seems without any thought on my part my cock was now in my hand, for a while we sat opposite each other watching each others movements. Then without being asked I moved to sit next to him, my hand reaching for his cock my fingers gently encircling the shaft above his. I was surprised how different it felt to mine somehow hotter and heavier and so much thicker. For a while I didn't look at him entranced by what I was doing, I watched as more pre-cum start to flow.

'Suck it' a whispered suggestion from my companion.

For some reason if felt obliged to, my tongue first darting out to taste the pre-cum its salty taste though strange not un-palatable. I thought the suck it phrase to be slightly wrong, so I chose to open my mouth and engulf the glans obviously by the low moan this was what he intended. I figured it might also be an idea if I kept my teeth back as I began to move my head slightly up and down slowly as if masturbating with my mouth. I was getting words of encouragement at what I was doing, so obviously I was doing it right or as near as possible to it. Occasionally his glans went too far into my mouth and I gagged a little, the she size of his cock made breathing through my mouth near impossible. The more I did it the more he wanted using a handful of my hair he was encouraging me to go faster, suddenly he stiffened and my mouth began being filled with gobs of thick salty fluid. He had shot his load in my mouth his grip on my hair made it hard to pull away so I was swallowing and gagging at the same time, I felt I had swallowed gallons though it was probably only a few spoonfuls.

I finally was able to pull away from his cock my mouth still sticky with his cum, he offered me a flatman with scotch in it, I took a long swallow that caused me to cough and my eyes to water. At least now my mouth didn't taste of his cum, I took another mouthful and handed it back. Of course my own cock was still rock hard I wondered if I was going to get my cock sucked, from the amount of enjoyment I gave as a beginner I imagined I was in for a hell of an experience. With a smile on his face the guy bent towards my cock, were I only managed to get a little more than the glans in my mouth he completely swallowed mine. I felt it go into his throat as he made long slow motions, when I was fully in I felt his tongue touch my balls. His hands weren't still either he was caressing my balls and tickling round my bum hole, his saliva was coating my balls and he used some of that to lubricate a finger that he slowly pushed into me.

I nearly jumped off the seat at the intrusion but he didn't stop, he kept up a steady pressure against my sphincter muscle. I slowly relaxed against the pressure and his finger penetrated deeper his movements started to create a feeling of intense pleasure until I was bucking on his finger in rhythm with him sucking my cock. I seemed to be at a peak of sexual pleasure I had never reached before when all of a sudden I began to cum; it seemed to flood out of me, my companion eagerly swallowing it all. As he finally pulled away I lay back totally exhausted after an experience unlike any other I had to that time. I wondered what else we could do to pass the time after that, a shudder went through the train surely we had longer to wait for the fresh engine, looking down at my watch I realized we had been entertaining each other for nearly an hour. We had just put our clothes in order when the door again slid open, the guard informing us the engine had made good time and we would be on our way in minutes. Good to the guard's word lights brightened and the train began to move again my companion and I made small talk as if embarrassed by what had gone on before. When we arrived in Dorchester he grabbed his brief case and stepped out onto the platform as we went through the exit I noticed him being kissed by a woman probably his wife before getting in a car and disappearing down the road. I eventually got a taxi 'it has been a busy night' I was informed and finally got to my Aunt and Uncles, they asked how my trip was' I just replied 'Interesting'.

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