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With You Anything 2

It seems somewhat obvious in retrospect that Jon was the one to bring it up. He could tell right away there was something Tucker's mind. At first, he thought it was something transitory, or something Tuck would bring up when he was ready. He was fairly sure it was something which seemed big when you kept it private, but as soon as it was brought out into the open, it wouldn't seem so bad.

Early in the week, they headed to the beach for an evening barbeque and bonfire. Jon resolved if Tuck didn't bring it up or start acting normal, they were going to have it out that night.

They got to the beach about an hour before the sun set over the Pacific. It was still warm out, but promised to cool down quickly as it was still early spring and the days weren't very hot yet. They stripped off their shirts and dashed into the sea, which was still pretty cold. If Jon had been looking at Tucker, he might have been astonished to see Tuck checking out his body sculpted by two years of rigorous baseball training which emphasized power and durability. There was no doubt about it; both boys had physically matured since starting college.

Quickly enough, they got cold in the surf and decided it was time they got the fire started. As they were arranging the wood for the fire and getting the food organized, Tucker was just as distracted and scatterbrained as he had been when Jon walked in the door two days before. Jon couldn't take it any more. He was frustrated they weren't talking like they usually did, but he was also worried about his best friend.

"Alright, Tuck." Jon said as he watched the flames begin to lick at the wood. "Enough of this. You've been a million miles away since we got here. I'm starting to get seriously worried about you.

Tucker tried to avoid the question, but Jon pinned him down. Finally, Tucker relented.

"Jon, something has happened. Something huge. But I'm too afraid to talk about it. I'm afraid of what it will do to our friendship...I'm worried of what you'll think of me."

Jon realized Tuck was serious. This was big. This wasn't about a class or school or a girl. There weren't too many things which could follow that kind of lead. But Jon knew there was nothing his friend was going through they couldn't go through together. There was nothing he would abandon Tucker to do alone, and he told him so.

"Tuck, it's you and me. Whatever you are in, I'm in, too. So let's get it on the table and figure it out."

Tuck launched into the story of the night at the swim meet. He was tentative at first, but each time he dropped a new little bombshell, he noticed Jon just watched him ever more intently with his beautiful green eyes. Jon didn't say much, just nodding encouragement from time to time.

As he neared the end of the story, he even told Jon about Don feeding him his own cum. He almost couldn't believe he was saying the words out loud. Jon just chuckled a little and asked how it tasted.

"A little sweet, not strong. Not bad." Tuck said with his head down and a little smile on his face.

"Yeah. I thought so. Mine too."

Tucker started talking again and then stopped suddenly. First he raised his eyes to look at Jon, then his whole head. Jon's eyes twinkled mischievously and he had a little grin on his face. Tucker was speechless.

"You've tasted your own cum?" It was both a statement and a question.

"Sure. But before we talk about that, finish your story."

Tucker's moved quickly through the rest of his story, and while he faithfully relayed the events as they had occurred, he didn't talk about how much he'd been thinking about Jon over the past two weeks. As he told his tale there on the beach, the biggest truth finally crystallized in his mind. The truth was he was in love with his best friend. That love had taken on the final dimension, firm and clear in Tuck's mind. They already had emotional, brotherly love. Now Tuck desperately wanted to add physical love to their relationship and fully bind their souls together. But he was so afraid of breaking what they had literally spent their lives building, he didn't know how he could say it. So he didn't.

"Well?" Tucker said. "That's mostly it. But apparently you've been holding out on me."

"Yeah, I guess I have a little." Jon smiled a wan smile, gazing at the face of the brother-friend he had known since they were just boys. The truth was he loved his friend more than anything. They had known so much joy and had so many experiences together. Jon's heart ached when they were away. When Tucker called him, he felt such an upwelling of joy, it was almost unbelievable.

The real truth, the truth which Jon hadn't shared with Tucker over all these years, was Jon wanted what Tucker just described. He had known for years that Tucker meant everything to him. As they matured, Jon had kept his feelings deeply suppressed for fear of pushing away the person who meant the world to him. Many nights, Jon had wondered how he might tell Tucker, how he might put words to the complex emotions going through him. The weirdest part is Jon didn't consider himself gay, or even bi-sexual, really. He liked being with girls, but he would have done anything at all for Tucker—anything—to keep him around and to make him happy. Until this night, he believed making Tuck happy was by having a deep and meaningful, but always platonic, relationship. Tonight, though, he saw his reality changing.

His challenge was how to put into words what his heart and soul were crying out for. And just as quickly, he realized both of them would be best served by letting his actions speak for him.

They had been sitting on a bench of a picnic table, both leaned heavily over their drinks, watching the fire which had at first flared large and was now at a low smolder, the core of the fire filled with dully glowing embers that cast a faint glow over them. The waves crashed in the distance. Nobody else was anywhere near them. They were alone on the dark beach, about to take their next steps together.

Jon set down his drink and kneeled in front of Tucker. Tuck looked into Jon's eyes.

"Thank you for letting me in." Jon said. The sincerity in his voice was unmistakable.

He leaned into Tuck, moving his lips ever closer to Tuck's. Closer than they had ever been. He knew he was crossing a line, but for the first time in his life, he knew with certainty Tuck would accept him.

He was right. Tuck reached up, and just as their lips touched for the first time, he gently stroked his fingers into Jon's black hair. Their kiss was passionate and perfect. The two friends became lovers.

Jon reached up between Tucker's legs and felt his friend's soft cock through his shorts. His fingertips were electric. He could feel adrenaline pumping through his body, so pure and complete was his excitement. Jon knew what he wanted and he knew Tucker wanted it too.

Jon stood slightly, and in one quick motion, got Tucker to thrust his hips forward and his shoulders back. Another quick motion and Tucker's shorts were kicked off. Jon had seen his friend naked before, but it had always been furtive glances from a distance in a locker room, or perhaps a stolen glance through a bathroom door not quite closed. But now Jon was on his knees between his friend's wide-spread legs, getting an unobstructed, welcome look at the impressive cock he had fantasized about for years. When he had tasted his own cum, he had imagined it coming from Tuck's glorious body. He knew tonight he would discover what Tucker really tasted like.

Tucker's cock and balls hung heavily between his thighs. His skin was smooth everywhere, a result of spending so much of his life in swimming pools.

With his hands placed on Tucker's chest holding him back, he moved his lips towards Tucker's lower belly. He tasted the hint of saltwater and sweat on Tucker's smooth, tight skin. It was intoxicating. He could feel the powerful pulse of Tucker's heartbeat as his tongue flickered lower and lower, moving through the smallest tuft of hair, then along the length of the rapidly hardening shaft.

Jon wanted so desperately to savor this moment he had so long fantasized about, but he was a young man in lust. Seconds felt like hours and before he knew it, his tongue had curled under Tucker's cock and pulled him into his waiting mouth.

Tucker's cock was warm, smooth and slightly salty from their swim in the sea. Jon was in rapture as his friend's cock quickly hardened and grew in his mouth. He felt deeply and passionately connected to Tucker as the cock pressed against the back of his throat. Jon was amazed at how large his friend was. For a man with such a slight figure, Jon had always had an impression Tucker was larger than expected, but he'd never had a good look. Now, with Tucker's cock completely filling his mouth without being fully inside, Jon knew he was going to enjoy this new part of their relationship.

For his part, Tucker could not have been more amazed at the turn of events. He had been so scared to share with Jon what he had experienced and what he had been feeling. Now, here he was, having just told a story which would have scared most male friends away, but instead, his friend Jon was sucking fervently on his fully hardened shaft. He could not rationalize or fully understand what was going on, so he decided to just go with the moment.

Tucker leaned back more, threw his head back and watched the stars burn holes in the night sky while he slowly rolled his hips back and forth, thrusting his cock ever deeper into Jon's throat.

Finally, he felt Jon's nose buried deep in his body. He was all the way in. He could not believe Jon was such an excellent cock-sucker, but he was overjoyed to have discovered it.

He looked down his lean body and saw his best friend in a state of rapture. His eyes were closed, his mouth and tongue masterfully working on Tuck's cock. Tuck decided he would ask Jon how he got so good at sucking cock. Later.

Tuck felt a building and overwhelming desire to cum in Jon's mouth. He wanted to watch his friend take a load like the one he had surrendered to his Speedos. He wanted to share the powerful intimacy of his orgasm with Jon's lips wrapped around him, sucking and taking him in. He wanted to savor that moment with Jon, to see the look on Jon's face as Tuck flooded his mouth.

Tuck partially closed his eyes and let the sensations of his body flow through him. He leaned his head back again and watched the stars through his half-lidded eyes while his body roared towards an orgasm. His body began to tense. His hips began to thrust more fervently, forcing his cock deep into Jon's anxious mouth.

Tuck closed his eyes, focusing all his attention and anticipation on his cock. He felt the blood pounding through his body, the thin sheen of sweat on his hot body, cooling his skin, making it more sensitive to the touch. His body froze. His eyes opened wide and he looked once more at the stars, then, as the waves of his orgasm washed over him, he tilted his head forward and watched Jon as his load of semen filled his best friend's mouth.

The look on Jon's face was indescribable. Tucker knew Jon had gone to a place only a few ever find. Jon was in a moment of pure joy and bliss. Not just enjoyment of what is taking place, but who it is taking place with. His feelings of contentment, love, lust and pure satisfaction collided with each other as he felt Tucker's cock swell and then explode in his mouth.

Jon had waited so long for this moment which he had feared a thousand times would never come. And yet, here it was. Tucker tasted just like Jon had hoped he would. It was a perfect spring night, cool, but not cold. Stars were shining overhead, the dying fire keeping away the chill of the ocean.

He held onto Tucker with his mouth for a long time, gently cleaning and savoring the relaxing cock in his mouth. He delighted in the new intimacy with his friend. When Jon finally let him go, he leaned back on his heels and looked at Tuck's mostly naked slim body, still spread before him on the bench. He was determined more than ever to do anything to keep Tucker happy and close.

Jon smiled at Tucker. "Even better than I imagined."

They both laughed a little, any tension at what had just happened drifting away.

As their bodies relaxed, both of them realized they had completely forgotten to cook their steaks. Their emotional, sexual hunger satisfied for the moment, their physical hunger began to take over.

The fire had died down to glowing embers. Silently they set about bringing it back to life while they both pondered this new part of their relationship. They both noticed an unspoken desire to be physically closer than they usually were before. In the past, even up to this day, they had always maintained a perfect display of heterosexual friendship, keeping a discreet physical distance from each other. But now, hidden in the darkness of the night and both feeling keenly the new direction of their friendship, sitting close together grilling their steaks was perfectly natural, desired and very welcome.

Just as naturally as they had sat side by side in silence, they started talking again as they sat at the picnic table to eat.

"That was a little unexpected." Tucker said. He paused a moment, looking straight into Jon's eyes. "But I liked it."

"I liked it, too. Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do that to you? With you?"

"I had no idea. Or maybe I always knew."

"You were the one I thought about when I was alone late at night. You were the one I was thinking of when I tasted myself." An hour ago, Jon would have felt extremely vulnerable and uncomfortable saying such things. Now, it came out easily. He completely trusted Tucker with his most intimate thoughts and feelings.

"How far are you willing to take this?" Jon asked, trying desperately to sound as casual as he could.

Tucker still looked him right in the eye. "With you, all the way. Anything."

They both grinned at each other like little kids who had just discovered a secret. Which, in a way, they kind of were. They were young men suddenly finding their sexual place in the world. They knew it and they couldn't keep from smiling.

They finished eating, the conversation now drifting freely from school, friends and activities back into much more intimate and detailed discussions of what they were going to do with each other next.

When they finished, they spread a large blanket out next to the fire and lay next to each other, watching the stars and listening to the surf pounding in the distance. Their hands and bodies slowly entangled themselves and soon enough their mouths were pressed together in a kiss that was gentle and deep. They savored the taste of each other on their tongues. Their eyes were closed as their hands pulled away clothing. They were oblivious to the chill of the ocean air as they wound themselves ever tighter together.

Jon's larger body slowly encased the smaller Tucker. They relished the feel of their bare flesh pressed against each other. Their fingertips explored each other's bodies with nothing off limits.

Tucker stuck his fingers in Jon's mouth, instructing Jon – as he had been instructed by Don – to coat his fingers with slick spit. The feeling of Jon sucking on his fingers was surprisingly arousing. Tucker felt his body stirring again, responding to the touch of his friend.

Somewhat reluctantly, he pulled his fingers from Jon's mouth and deftly reached between Jon's legs, sliding them apart as his fingers sought the warmth and tightness of Jon's virgin ass. He gently worked in one finger, and then two. Jon turned and spread his legs farther apart, giving Tucker a little easier access.

Their kisses became more passionate as their hardening cocks pressing against each other's lower bellies. Tucker felt his rational thoughts slipping from his mind. He was driven by the love of being with his best friend and lusting for an animalistic release.

He abruptly broke off their kiss and quickly slithered down to Jon's cock. He knew there would be plenty of time later for playing with his sculpted torso. Jon's cock was rapidly hardening, but was already impressive. Tucker wrapped his small hand around the heavy base of the shaft and drew the glistening tip towards his lips. He had never felt sure pure anticipation. He was going to take Jon's manhood into his mouth, love him with his lips, tongue and throat. How would it taste? What would it feel like?

He tentatively reached out with the tip of his tongue, lapping up the bit of precum that sparkled on the tip. Its silky smooth consistency and mild taste were like a blissful, perfect appetizer. Tucker tightly pursed his lips over the tip of Jon's cock; he wanted Jon to feel the sensation of penetrating his mouth.

He pressed his mouth slowly down onto Jon's nearly-erect cock. Wider and wider his lips spread to accommodate Jon's swelling cock. Saliva and precum mingled in his mouth, delicious and subtle.

Tucker slowly slid still more of Jon's cock into his mouth. As he felt it reach the back of his mouth, he realized there was yet more to take in. He wanted all of it. His throat locked and resisted the sizeable anatomy, but Tucker's raw desire overcame his body's natural reflexes and he continued pressing Jon deeper into his mouth.

Relaxing as much as he could with pure desire coursing through him, he finally was able to take Jon's entire shaft in his mouth. His jaw was spread wide, but he felt no pain, only joy at being so intimately connected. His nose was buried in a trimmed tuft of fine hair at the base of Jon's cock. Jon's scent intoxicated and aroused him. The smoothness of Jon's cock and balls reminded him of all the swimmer's bodies he saw in competition, their bodies shaved for speed. He knew he would never look at any of them the same way.

Slowly he began to move his mouth back and forth on Jon's cock, lapping at the underside with his tongue, but never letting very much leave his mouth. He wanted to give Jon a deep blow job and to bring him to the same kind of intense orgasm Jon had shared with him earlier that night.

He could tell Jon was enjoying it. The quiet moans, the restrained writhing of his body and the physical sensations washing over him were evidence of a primal desire being finally satisfied.

Soon, too soon for both of them, Jon's breathing deepened and intensified. The thrusting of his hips became more powerful. Tucker struggled with Jon's long cock sliding rapidly in and out of his throat, but he wasn't about to give up.

Jon's hips locked suddenly, his cock thrust fully into Tucker's throat. Tucker could feel the spasms in his lover's body as his semen erupted into him. He latched on and pressed hard, keeping the glorious cock locked in his loving mouth as Jon quivered his way through his powerful orgasm.

As the climax slowly passed, Tucker gently began letting the slowly softening cock slip from between his lips. He coaxed it out as slowly and carefully as he has originally coaxed it in. But when the tip was resting on his tongue, he stopped for a moment and carefully lapped up the stronger tasting semen, moving it around in his mouth, reveling in the pure intimacy and eroticism of the moment.

As Jon's body finally relaxed, Tucker moved quickly up to whisper in his ear. His voice was quietly intense.

"Jon, I want you to fuck me. I know you will. I know you will fill me with your incredible cock. And I want you too so much. But tonight, I'm going first."

Jon stared into Tucker's eyes. He had never heard Tucker be so direct. His heart swelled with each beat. He would do anything, anything at all to make Tucker happy. He couldn't believe his great good luck that doing what Tucker wanted was also what he wanted. And besides, just at that moment, Jon was in no condition to lay claim Tucker's small, tight diver's ass.

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