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Working at Home 2

What a feeling having a hard cock in my mouth and a giant cock fucking me in the ass. I didn't know what I said around the cock in my mouth but I felt like I was trying to scream at the gardener to fuck me harder and harder. My neighbors cock twitched and started to fill my mouth with his come. I swallowed it all and kept his cock in my mouth as I continued to enjoy the ass pounding I was getting. The gardener was yelling at me as he fucked me. "I'm going to fill your virgin ass with my spunk." He screamed. "I want to fuck your virgin ass every day. You love it don't you, you fucking cunt." I'm going to fuck you as often as I want from now on and fill your ass hole with come."

Finally, I felt him starting to come and he flooded my canal with a great gush of come. I could feel the warmth of it as it splashed against the walls of my canal. He spurted over and over again until he was finished. He then pulled his cock out of my ass, slowly, and let the head stay in it for a while. He was caressing my cheeks and my legs as he dismounted me and he then turned to my neighbor, who by this time, had walked around behind me to watch me getting fucked. He looked at my neighbor and said, "You're next." My neighbor started to back off and was mumbling something. The gardener grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him. He spun my neighbor around and pushed him down on his hands and knees.

"You enjoyed watching your friend getting fucked didn't you?" he asked. "Now, you're going to get fucked too and you'll enjoy it as much as your friend did." He quickly wet two fingers and jammed them into my neighbor's ass hole, making him yell out in pain. He wasn't as gentle as he was with me and started to finger fuck my neighbor. He jammed the two fingers in and out of the ass in front of him for a few minutes and then replaced them with the head of his cock. He pushed the head into my neighbor but didn't stop to let him get used to the giant cock. He pushed it all the way inside the man and started to slowly pump in and out of him. My neighbor was in extreme pain, yelling for the gardener to stop. Then, suddenly, he was pushing back against the thrusts and wasn't in as much pain as before. He finally started to grin when he looked over at me and winked. He was enjoying the fucking he was getting and he really wanted it. I watched the two men fuck as I rested my sore ass hole. It didn't take long for the gardener to start filling my neighbors ass with his come and he yelled at him about the same as he had at me.

After spurting his come deep inside my neighbor's ass, he slowly pulled his now spent cock out of his ass. It popped out and his come started flowing down my neighbor's legs. He stepped back and watched the come running down the man's legs and then turned and walked over to sit down. My neighbor was sitting down on the floor, resting his sore ass when the gardener spoke again. "We are going to do this every day I'm working here," he said. "I am going to fuck the two of you every time and maybe, just maybe, some day I will let you fuck me too."

He did, to make a long story short, after about three times together, we were all fucking each other and enjoying it. We continued for the rest of the summer and into the fall until the gardener wasn't working here any more. We met him several times at his place or had him over to one of our places for the winter. We continued meeting whenever we could get together and fucked each other over and over again. One day the gardener told us next spring, he had a surprise for us and we would really enjoy what he had for us. It made the winter seem very long not knowing what the surprise was but also made us wish that spring would hurry and arrive. What a surprise it was too, but that will be the next story to come. Hope you enjoyed this story and may your cock be as hard as mine is after reading this. Next time...

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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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